Pricing for Domains at Freename

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Pricing for Domains at Freename

Postby Floki » Mon 24. Apr 2023, 00:10

Cheapest price for long SLDs: $ 5.00
Highest price for short SLDs: $ 4,995 (e.g. for crypto., metaverse. or nft.)

Cheapest price for long TLDs: $ 79.00
Highest price for short TLDs: $ 79,990 (e.g. for .111, .222, .333 and so forth)

The price levels for TLDs are usually as follows:
$ 79
$ 199
$ 299
$ 399
$ 499
$ 699
$ 1,099
$ 1,699
$ 1,999
$ 2,099
$ 3,099
$ 4,099
$ 4,999
$ 5,099
$ 8,999
$ 12,990
$ 15,000
$ 29,990
$ 49,000
$ 79,990

If you have a discount code, you can reduce the price above:
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by Advertising » Mon 24. Apr 2023, 00:10


Re: Pricing for Domains at Freename

Postby Expert » Fri 12. May 2023, 08:21

The great thing is: customers pay the price only once.
That‘s different compared to traditional domains.
Considering this, it makes the price look cheap.
If customers would have to pay a yearly renewal fee, it would be a complete different calculation.
But this way, the cost for domains are much more transparent and especially stable for always.
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