The renowned @kit congress organized by the Bayreuth-based @kit association will take place in Berlin again in May 2025. As in previous years, the specialist journal “Kommunikation & Recht” will also be taking part. The congress is a hybrid event with on-site and online participation at the same price.
After the last meeting in May 2024 in Cologne, the congress of the Bayreuth Working Group for Information Technology - New Media - Law eV (AKIT) and the legal journal “Kommunikation & Recht” of Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH will take place again in 2025 as an on-site event in Berlin at Google - with the option of online participation. The 23rd @kit Congress and the 13th “Communication & Law” forum will take place over two and a half days. The congress will run from Wednesday, May 21, 2025 in the evening to Friday, May 23, 2025 in the afternoon. The congress will open on Wednesday evening at 19:00 with the usual get-together, during which Dr. Arnd Haller (Google) will offer a “Digital policy overview and outlook”, supported by KI. On Thursday, May 22, 2025, the working day will certainly begin as usual with an early chat over the first coffee and at 09:00 with the welcome by Prof. Dr. Ruth Janal (President of @kit eV) and Torsten Kutschke (dfv Mediengruppe). The program covers a wide range of topics from AI (Prof. Dr. Katharina de la Durantaye, lawyer Dr. Lisa Käde) to questions on immaterial damages under Art 82 GDPR (Dennis Kaben, Google), information on cloud-based systems in eCommerce (lawyer Seda Dinc), data law and data policy (Dr. Winfried Veit, BMI), a debate on cookies & Co. and many other topics. As always, there will be a joint dinner to round off the first working day. The congress ends on Friday, May 23, 2024 at 13:30.
The 23rd @kit Congress and the 13th Forum “Communication & Law” will take place from May 21 to 23, 2025 at the premises of Google Berlin, Tucholskystraße 2 in 10117 Berlin. There is still an early bird rate of EUR 759.05 (plus 19% VAT) until March 14, 2025. Members of @kit are entitled to a discount. After this date, the participation fees will be between EUR 50 and EUR 799 (plus VAT in each case), depending on whether you are a student, trainee lawyer, association member or normal participant. The prices apply to both online and on-site participation. Early registration is recommended. Participants will receive continuing education certificates in accordance with Section 15 FAO for their continuing professional development.
Further information and registration for the upcoming congress (in German) at: ... ion-recht/