Domain History: 5 Things to Check Before Buying a Domain

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Domain History: 5 Things to Check Before Buying a Domain

Postby 123 » Wed 5. Mar 2025, 17:37

Your domain name is not just a web address. It carries history that influences your website’s success. Before you purchase a domain, look beyond its availability and price—also check for its history. A domain with a troubled past can harm your website’s success.

A domain may have even been associated with questionable content, scams, or legal disputes. Even expired domains are not always a fresh start as search engines and online blacklists may still keep their past activity records. Therefore, never ignore a domain’s history.

Conducting a thorough research before purchasing a domain helps you avoid any hidden pitfalls. Let’s explore why domain history matters, how to investigate it, and what key red flags to watch for.
Posts: 130
Joined: Sat 29. Apr 2023, 19:44

by Advertising » Wed 5. Mar 2025, 17:37


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