Internet Law, Trademarks, Copyrights, UDRP, URS, WIPO, etc.

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Freedom IS more than Trademarks Freedom

Sun 30. Apr 2023, 05:57

TLDs cannot been registred as trademarks. Source: ... 68677.html

Sun 30. Apr 2023, 05:57

Re: Freedom IS more than Trademarks Freedom

Sun 30. Apr 2023, 13:59

Capesterel wrote:TLDs cannot been registred as trademarks.

This is exactly what Freename has now achieved:


Re: Freedom IS more than Trademarks Freedom

Sun 30. Apr 2023, 22:32

Then why to promote trademarked TLD ? Isn't a contradiction ?

Re: Freedom IS more than Trademarks Freedom

Mon 1. May 2023, 09:24

Capesterel wrote:Then why to promote trademarked TLD ? Isn't a contradiction ?

The best thing to do is registering a .TLD, applying the trademark for it and after successful allocation start promoting it. This would be the smartest way to act.
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