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Resell Page

Fri 29. Sep 2023, 02:21

I saw somewhere that the resell page can be edited. Tell me how this can be done? This means more changes than just replacing the logo.

Fri 29. Sep 2023, 02:21

Re: Resell Page

Fri 29. Sep 2023, 08:32

The reseller page was released just a few weeks ago. It's in an early state. Indeed, currently you can replace only the logo, but Freename is working on enhancing it. Very soon it will evolve.

Re: Resell Page

Fri 29. Sep 2023, 21:53

I think it would be very productive to have an iframe version too. Since with a template, resell is doomed to complete failure, and not only with SEO.

Re: Resell Page

Sat 30. Sep 2023, 08:42

doma9er wrote:I think it would be very productive to have an iframe version too.

Here we go: 85777411nx67377/be-a-registrar-f30/freename-widget-t101.html
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