In-depth course on Web3 domains and TLDs at Mighty

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In-depth course on Web3 domains and TLDs at Mighty

Postby Expert » Mon 14. Oct 2024, 22:53

Freename partners with Mighty Study to launch an in-depth course on Web3 domains and TLDs, covering use cases, benefits and practical applications!

Additionally, .mighty is Mighty Academy's new branded TLD.

Chekc out the course at
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by Advertising » Mon 14. Oct 2024, 22:53


Re: In-depth course on Web3 domains and TLDs at Mighty

Postby Freenamer » Mon 21. Oct 2024, 22:21

Wow! Mighty and Freename have done an incredible job!

The two courses are designed at the highest level. I am impressed.

By the way, there is also something to be won, which will be revealed at the end of the first course.
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Re: In-depth course on Web3 domains and TLDs at Mighty

Postby travelnotes » Tue 22. Oct 2024, 04:31

Expert wrote:Additionally, .mighty is Mighty Academy's new branded TLD.

Do the mighty domains actually work?

Doesn't look like it.



I'm still waiting for magun.travelnotes/ to work.

Even the #Webhash Web3 landing page I set up isn't really a Web3 hash.

It might seem like an ipfs hash, but look closely and it's a .com sub-domain

Let's hope it's not all an ether scam.
The TravelNotes TLD is designed for travellers, bloggers, agencies, and anyone with a passion for exploring the world. It serves as a digital passport, creating a dedicated space for sharing travel experiences, advice, tips, and services.
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Re: In-depth course on Web3 domains and TLDs at Mighty

Postby Floki » Tue 22. Oct 2024, 09:15

travelnotes wrote:I'm still waiting for magun.travelnotes/ to work.

Please contact

They are very supportive and will solve your problems quickly.
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Re: In-depth course on Web3 domains and TLDs at Mighty

Postby Expert » Wed 23. Oct 2024, 16:45

travelnotes wrote:Do the mighty domains actually work?

Doesn't look like it.

As long the SLD owners doesn’t set up a website, you can’t get content in a web browser.
The domain owner himself determines what happens with his domain.
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Re: In-depth course on Web3 domains and TLDs at Mighty

Postby travelnotes » Wed 23. Oct 2024, 17:12

Well I have (set one up)

And mine doesn't (work).

I'm trying to find Freename domains that work, or people who are actually using them.

Support still haven't fixed the issue, so things don't look great.
The TravelNotes TLD is designed for travellers, bloggers, agencies, and anyone with a passion for exploring the world. It serves as a digital passport, creating a dedicated space for sharing travel experiences, advice, tips, and services.
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Re: In-depth course on Web3 domains and TLDs at Mighty

Postby Floki » Wed 23. Oct 2024, 17:36

travelnotes wrote:Support still haven't fixed the issue

Have you received a feedback from Siful? He takes care of the complete solution to all challenges.
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Re: In-depth course on Web3 domains and TLDs at Mighty

Postby travelnotes » Thu 24. Oct 2024, 05:36

It's been two weeks and Sitful and co still can't fix their DNS, or whatever it is holding up registered domains from resolving or redirecting.

Nor has there been any real answers to the problem.

Feedback is just a wave of the hand; once you get past the annoying bot helper.

I might have invested more in this project but, unfortunately, I can no longer believe in it.

I see some people have more money than sense though, by the countless domains they're registering.

I don't get the emojis in a domain name, but good luck to them.

Best wishes to the rest of you who still believe in Freename. I wish I did.

Thanks for trying.
The TravelNotes TLD is designed for travellers, bloggers, agencies, and anyone with a passion for exploring the world. It serves as a digital passport, creating a dedicated space for sharing travel experiences, advice, tips, and services.
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Re: In-depth course on Web3 domains and TLDs at Mighty

Postby King » Thu 24. Oct 2024, 17:00

travelnotes wrote:I see some people have more money than sense though, by the countless domains they're registering.

There is nothing wrong with your conviction. This is your right.
As for me, I have informed myself well and I am investing heavily in Freename.
As with any new technology, there are proponents and critics. That has always been the case and always will be.
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