The big, wide world of Freename

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Are You Interested in Applying for Next ICANN gTLDs Round?

Mon 23. Sep 2024, 17:30

Complete this form, and we will provide expert guidance and support throughout the application process for the new ICANN gTLDs round, helping you secure your custom Top Level Domain. Our industry-leading team of professionals will work closely with you every step of the way:

Mon 23. Sep 2024, 17:30

Freename Gears Up to Apply for ICANN TLDs

Mon 7. Oct 2024, 17:16

At Freename, we’re excited to announce our plans to participate in the upcoming ICANN gTLD (generic Top-Level Domains) registration round. We’re aiming to secure some game-changing domain extensions like .chain, .token, .metaverse, and many others. Beyond applying for our own TLDs, we’ll also be representing a select group of third-party customers in this round—though we’re keeping those partnerships under wraps for now. We’ve carefully chosen these collaborations to ensure that each TLD will have a meaningful impact, and all of these Web3 domains will also exist in the traditional DNS space, making them even more versatile:
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