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Benefits Of Freename To Convey To A Niche Audience For TLD

Sun 30. Apr 2023, 16:39

Regarding using social media to market the availability of domains on our TLD, I was wondering about any success stories so far either from internal social media traffic (such as your existing audience), paid social media ads, social media influencers and other methods. For those of you who have sold domains on your niche-specific TLD, what has worked so far for you? Also, which benefits of Freename seem to get favorable responses based on your audience feedback, ads tracking or other social media marketing?

Here is an example of one TLD which I own with Freename: .prowrestling

Currently I have an active pro wrestling Twitter audience with 700+ followers (after I reduce the likely spam Twitter accounts!) mostly in North America. Obviously, most don't even know much about web3 :cry: ! I also participate in niche-specific sub-Reddits with a combined 4000 members - about 10-15% of which are active several times/week, Facebook groups for the niche (combined) are about 40,000 - but maybe 10-15% are active there as well.

Since this niche is not a web3 audience by its very nature, besides the following actions I have taken/will take, what else do you suggest to reach web3-favorable people within any such niche?

Actions taken/Will take this week:

1) Pinned Tweet w/ link to page on my website optimized for "web3 wrestling" and promotes the .prowrestling TLD + has referral link with my affiliate code in case someone buys a SLD not related to my TLD. Yes, the 50% royalties are already paid for on my TLD. I also will give a "shout out" or thank you to anyone who contacts me after buying a .prowrestling SLD. Hopefully that will generate shares, likes, re-tweets, etc. and also generate curiosity by others in what a web3 TLD is.

2) Already ranking in Google with my page for "web3 wrestling" - but there is no real search volume for that yet. So basically I am #1 just sitting there in Google (US version) for a keyword which I hope - one day :roll: - where people will visit my website.

3) Internal links to the web3 domains page on every page of my website

4) Facebook -> may run an ad to die-hard pro wrestling fans with the audience narrowed down to those who also have interests in web3, NFTs, DAOs, decentralization, etc. Also will ask the die-hard forums (survey or a poll) about their current interest levels in web3 topics. That way I am being "social" and not doing a "hard sell" to them.

5) Reddit - I have to be careful here so definitely will be asking for help & thoughts on web3. This platform will be a "slow and steady" approach to building trust in my TLD & other web3 offerings.

6) Tumblr - just post here using the hashtags and post the "Thank You" for buyers who contact me after buying a SLD (like in Twitter).

7) YouTube - Walk-through video coming up explaining the benefits + heavy on the SEO optimization. Will run YouTube ads to a custom audience segment which includes only those who love pro wrestling + have heavy interest in web3 topics.

What else would you recommend for social media to convey the benefits of the Freename system + grow an audience?

I ask more for general replies - rather than just specific to pro wrestling. I have other TLDs with passionate niches, but 99% of those audiences don't know much about web3 topics at all. I am working on crafting a template which we can use for all of us as a starting point for social media & paid social ads/marketing. Thanks for your help!

Sun 30. Apr 2023, 16:39

Re: Benefits Of Freename To Convey To A Niche Audience For T

Sun 30. Apr 2023, 17:17

Wow! You are already extremely active.

From my point of view, two things are important:
1. Since the competition on social media channels is huge, it's important not to expect quick success. You need to consistently generate a lot of quality content to slowly build success.
2. All important social media channels should be considered. Besides the ones you mentioned, I think Instagram, TikTok and Telegram are the most important.

But since I'm not a marked expert in social media, it would be interesting to know what other forum members think.

Re: Benefits Of Freename To Convey To A Niche Audience For T

Mon 1. May 2023, 21:15

Freenamer wrote:Wow! You are already extremely active.

From my point of view, two things are important:
1. Since the competition on social media channels is huge, it's important not to expect quick success. You need to consistently generate a lot of quality content to slowly build success.
2. All important social media channels should be considered. Besides the ones you mentioned, I think Instagram, TikTok and Telegram are the most important.

But since I'm not a marked expert in social media, it would be interesting to know what other forum members think.

Thank you! Still a work in progress here.

I will be working on the content to share + I may generate a new web2/.com website dedicated specifically to this topic in order to reach people where they are. Mainly those who have heard about this topic, but are still web2 dominant with some web3 curiosity.

I didn't consider Telegram before due to the spammy risks + having to monitor conversations (like this forum); but you likely are right about its ability to get faster access to those considering decentralization or at least some kind of censorship reduction websites/blogs. Great idea! Thanks for that.

Hope your week is going well!
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