The domain industry hasn't expected the success of Freename

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The domain industry hasn't expected the success of Freename

Postby Expert » Sun 30. Apr 2023, 14:05

Here are two articles from one of the most famous domain bloggers, who is very skeptical about Freename's plans: ... rademarks/ ... rk-swoosh/

However, he misjudged the situation. Freename has actually been successful with its initiative several times:


If a TLD owner has sucessfully applied for a top-level domain trademark, it would be always easy for him to defend his TLD against other parties in legal disputes.
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by Advertising » Sun 30. Apr 2023, 14:05


Re: The domain industry hasn't expected the success of Freen

Postby Capesterel » Thu 18. May 2023, 18:55

make it easier with a domain.registrated®
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