Cape Verde has decided to market its extension .cv globally

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Cape Verde has decided to market its extension .cv globally

Postby Research » Thu 8. Aug 2024, 21:18

Agência Reguladora Multissectorial da Economia (ARME), administrator of the country-specific top-level domain .cv (Cape Verde), is opening up to the wider world. Thanks to a partnership with the US-based OlaCV, .cv domains will now be available from numerous well-known registrars worldwide. The abbreviation "CV" is mainly used in English-speaking countries for "curriculum vitae", i.e. curriculum vitae. Therefore, .cv aims to create an ecosystem around digital identities, profiles and references. "CV is a term used by professionals in Canada, Europe, Africa, India, and China. Combined, these markets have professional workforces and populations nearing 3.5 billion people, representing a significant addressable market," says Ope Awoyemi, President of OlaCV, in a press release. However, there is still a problem with availability; .cv is difficult or impossible to find at the domain registrars listed; in addition, the fees vary considerably and .cv domains with up to six characters are to be considered premium domains across the board. However, the number of registrars is expected to grow in the coming weeks and months. Brand owners should therefore keep a close eye on further developments and consider pre-emptive registrations.

Source: ... itae-World
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by Advertising » Thu 8. Aug 2024, 21:18


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