CZ.NIC z.s.p.o, registry of the Czech country code extension .cz, is increasing its fees. With effect from 1 March 2025, the purchase price for domain registrars will increase from CZK 145 (approx. EUR 5.78) to CZK 160 (approx. EUR 6.38) per year and domain. CZ.NIC emphasises that this is the first price increase in six years. ‘Since the last increase in the wholesale price of the .CZ domain, in 2019, cumulative inflation has exceeded 40 percent, while the increase in the number of domains has been approximately 11 percent. These figures clearly illustrate the increase in the efficiency of the Association's activities,’ said Ondřej Filip, CEO of CZ.NIC. ‘The change in the wholesale price of the .CZ domain is mainly due to inflation and the increased costs of operation and security.’ Domain registrars may be forced to pass on the increase to their customers. However, domain holders will also benefit, as CZ.NIC has also announced that it has expanded its DNS infrastructure with a server in Los Angeles. ‘With the new DNS site in Los Angeles, we are improving our coverage of the U.S. West Coast and reducing latency in this area,’ says Tomáš Hála, IT Director of CZ.NIC. In addition to three locations in the Czech Republic, CZ.NIC servers are operated in 14 other countries.