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DENIC upgrades its technology

Thu 19. Dec 2024, 19:05

The .de registry DENIC eG has announced its intention to lay the foundation for the next generation of domain provisioning with the RESTful Provisioning Protocol (RPP). In the early 2000s, domain provisioning was characterized by the registries' individual interfaces. Each solution was different, and registrars had to accept high costs and technical effort in order to communicate with different registries. In 2004, the adoption of the EPP standard (RFCs 5730-5734) brought much-needed standardization; it became the cornerstone of communication between hundreds of registries and thousands of registrars. The RPP is now intended to serve as a modern supplement to the EPP. It relies on the REST architecture and JSON as a data format to make the provisioning of domains simpler and more efficient. The aim is to further simplify integration between registries and registrars, promote new market participants and accelerate innovation processes. RPP could thus usher in a new era of flexibility and collaboration in the domain industry.

Source: https://blog.denic.de/en/rpp-why-regist ... visioning/

Thu 19. Dec 2024, 19:05

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