Guatemala makes its country code .gt more accessible

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Guatemala makes its country code .gt more accessible

Postby Research » Thu 14. Nov 2024, 10:00

The Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, registry of the country extension .gt of the Republic of Guatemala, has integrated the ‘Unified Domain Search Engine’ of the Latin American and Caribbean Association of ccTLDs (LACTLD) into its registration system. With this integration, interested parties and holders of a .gt domain can now directly query the availability of the same domain under 15 other ccTLDs in Latin America and the Caribbean at the time of payment of a domain fee (for example, during registration or renewal). This initiative, first adopted by NIC Chile and later by NIC Costa Rica and UYNIC, is part of the efforts of the associated members and LACTLD to promote the growth of the search engine that contributes to digital inclusion in the region. With the ‘Unified Domain Search Engine’, it is sufficient to enter the desired term to find out directly about the availability of the same second level domain in all 16 countries. Overall, ccTLDs from Latin America and the Caribbean will grow together. Use of the LACTLD domain search engine is still free of charge.

Source: ... ch-engine/
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by Advertising » Thu 14. Nov 2024, 10:00


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