Ireland's .ie goes in search of losses

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Ireland's .ie goes in search of losses

Postby Research » Thu 28. Nov 2024, 18:19

The Irish .ie registry, like many other European country code extensions, is struggling with the expiry of registration contracts and the associated decline in registration numbers. In recent months, intensive work has therefore been carried out to find explanations for the declining renewal rate and to develop possible data-based solutions that could reverse the trend. The result is the blog article ‘The Renewal Prediction Playbook’, for which a total of 292,410 domains with a renewal rate of 83 per cent were examined from November 2022 to October 2023 in order to identify key characteristics that predict whether a domain will be renewed or not. These include that older domains (ten years and older) and those created in certain months are more likely to be renewed. Domains with more than ten characters, on the other hand, are slightly more likely to be deleted. Domains with little content and those that do not use a content management system are also at a higher risk of cancellation. Every registry can use the findings of .ie to plan its own economic future more reliably.

Further information on ‘The Renewal Prediction Playbook’ from .ie can be found at: ... -renewals/
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by Advertising » Thu 28. Nov 2024, 18:19


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