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Portugal's .pt is working on security

Thu 15. Aug 2024, 15:14

Associação DNS.PT, administrator of the Portuguese country code extension .pt, will be cooperating more closely with the Public Security Police (PSP) in future. Both organisations have signed a cooperation protocol to develop national capabilities in the area of cyber security, prevention and combating cybercrime. The agreement allows DNS.PT and PSP to work together on several fronts, from strategic development in the fight against cybercrime to the training and qualification of personnel, including the creation of specific tools to support investigations and joint operations. ‘We live in times when the security of the digital world is as crucial as that of the physical world. Protecting Portuguese citizens and companies in cyberspace is a responsibility that .PT takes with great seriousness. We believe that synergy and the exchange of expertise between .PT and PSP, through this protocol, will be a fundamental step in building a safer digital future for everyone,’ says Luisa Ribeiro Lopes of DNS.PT. It is part of .pt's overall strategy to partner with nationally recognised companies that can contribute to the secure, innovative and sustainable growth of the ccTLD.

Source: https://www.pt.pt/en/news/pt-and-portug ... ybercrime/

Thu 15. Aug 2024, 15:14

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