Switzerland reports on phishing activities

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Switzerland reports on phishing activities

Postby Research » Thu 30. Jan 2025, 12:40

The Swiss Federal Office for Cybersecurity (BACS) has published its anti-phishing report for the year 2024. According to the report, the BACS received a total of 975,309 phishing reports last year; of these, 20,872 were identified as actual phishing websites. This represents an increase of a whopping 108% compared to the previous year 2023, in which a total of “only” 10,007 phishing websites were identified. Around 98% of the reports came from the general public and small or medium-sized enterprises; 1% of the reports came from critical infrastructure operators or from BACS itself. A total of 338 different brand names were misused by phishing websites. While the Swiss Post brand was still the focus of cybercriminals in 2023, the Alliance SwissPass brand name was the most frequently abused in 2024. A significant proportion of phishing websites were provided via Cloudflare, where content is cached and the actual server is disguised. A prominent victim of phishing was the Old Age and Survivors' Insurance (AHV): Under the pretext of a refund of CHF 370.72, cyber criminals attempted to obtain credit card details. They registered fake domain names to give the impression that this was the official AHV website.

You can find the “Anti-Phishing Report 2024” from the Federal Office for Cyber Security (BACS) at:
https://www.ncsc.admin.ch/ncsc/en/home/ ... g2024.html
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by Advertising » Thu 30. Jan 2025, 12:40


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