The French AFNIC has optimized its online testing tool

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The French AFNIC has optimized its online testing tool

Postby Research » Thu 27. Feb 2025, 20:03

Do you want to put your domain through its paces and identify possible weak points? Then the .fr registry AFNIC and the Swedish Internet Foundation have the right tool for you: the new version of Zonemaster has been online since February 10, 2025. Zonemaster analyzes the technical configuration of a domain based on over seventy tests and reports all potential problems. The tool is not limited to .fr and .se domains; .de domains can also be tested. The current version supports seven languages in the user interface (unfortunately not German), which itself is very simple and only requires a domain to be entered in the search mask. The test itself then takes a few seconds. For 2025, AFNIC promises a complete overhaul of the graphical user interface to improve usability, various optimizations to speed up test execution and the overall efficiency of the tool, and improvements to simplify the test messages to help users better understand the test results. WHOIS information is not provided for legal reasons, but administrators in particular will find valuable information. The use of Zonemaster is free of charge and open to everyone.

Link to Zonemaster:

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by Advertising » Thu 27. Feb 2025, 20:03


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