200 new top level domains

.com, .net, .org, .info, .xyz, .online and all others
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200 new top level domains

Postby Expert » Mon 10. Mar 2025, 18:31

At least one company is going big in the next round of new top level domain expansion.

On today’s show, Yoni Belousov explains why his company Nova Registry plans to apply for around 200 new top level domains in the next round.

Nova didn’t participate in the last round, and only entered the business with the acquisition of .link in 2022.

Why is Nova Registry going so big? What types of domains will it go after? And how does it plan to shake up the domain business?

https://domainnamewire.com/2025/03/10/2 ... dcast-525/
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by Advertising » Mon 10. Mar 2025, 18:31


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