Asian Kerry Trading Co. Ltd. separates from .kerrylogistics

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Asian Kerry Trading Co. Ltd. separates from .kerrylogistics

Postby Research » Thu 23. Jan 2025, 20:30

Hong Kong-based Kerry Trading Co. Limited is parting ways with its .kerrylogistics brand extension. In a letter dated October 29, 2024, the logistics company terminated the Registry Agreement (RA) with the Internet registry ICANN. As is usual with .brands, the termination is based on Section 4.4 (b) of the RA, which allows ordinary termination at any time subject to a notice period of 180 days. The company did not provide further details on the motives for its termination, but they are obvious: although it was delegated on December 17, 2015, no other domain is registered with the exception of This also applies to .kerryhotels, .kerryproperties and .kuokgroup, which also belong to the group. The ending .kerrylogistics already had an unfortunate start: a typing error had crept into the application documents, which is why the character string .kerrylogisitics flashed up in the ICANN database at the beginning. Although this typo was corrected in the end, it didn't really help .kerrylogistics.

You can find the cancelation for .kerrylogistics here: ... 024-en.pdf
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by Advertising » Thu 23. Jan 2025, 20:30


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