Competing applications have been announced for .anime

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Competing applications have been announced for .anime

Postby Research » Thu 6. Mar 2025, 18:20

A bidding war is emerging for the introduction of the .anime top level domain. On February 26, 2025, the Web3 company D3 Global, Azuki and the Animecoin Foundation, a non-profit foundation that focuses on developing and promoting the growth of Animechain and Animecoin, announced their intention to apply to the Internet governance body ICANN for .anime. It would not be the only application: on June 18, 2024, the US company Unstoppable Domains announced its intention to apply to ICANN for the two new top-level domains .anime and .manga together with Kintsugi Global Inc, a Japanese provider of Web3 services and solutions. If these announcements are followed by action, when the application window is expected to open in Q2 2026, ICANN's regulations provide for a “contention set”, which will ultimately be resolved by auction if no amicable agreement is reached, for example; the highest bidder would then be awarded the contract. In addition to .anime, such a bidding process is also expected for .chain; and 3DNS had announced their intention to submit their application to ICANN.

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by Advertising » Thu 6. Mar 2025, 18:20


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