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.deal will soon enter the sunrise phase

Thu 8. Aug 2024, 21:26

Seattle-based Amazon Registry Services Inc. will soon be offering two more new generic top-level domains. The sunrise phase for .deal and .now will start on 22 August 2024. The two domain extensions, which were delegated on 2 June 2016 and whose registry service provider is the UK-based Nominet, have been lying dormant until now, but this is now coming to an end. Until 21 September 2024, trademark owners with an entry in the Trademark Clearinghouse have the opportunity to register their desired domains with priority. This will be immediately followed by an "Early Access Period" before the live phase begins on 30 September 2024. It is unclear which target groups Amazon wants to address with both endings; there have been no public announcements to date. At least .now, which is reminiscent of .nu (Niue), promises potential; the Swedish word "nu" stands for the English "now" and, despite its origin as a ccTLD, is therefore particularly popular as a generic ending in Scandinavia, with over 200,000 domains currently registered. The most successful Amazon TLD to date is .bot; it currently has around 14,600 registrations. In contrast, the vast majority of the extensions managed by Amazon, including .prime, .song, .pay, .fire and .joy, are still unused.

Source: https://trademark-clearinghouse.com/content/deal

Thu 8. Aug 2024, 21:26

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